上传错误了36(1 / 2)

the next day, stick terrier did not go to rtlen not d, with his sister in the courtyard to play very happy.

yi 'an has not yet gone to n uncle iyrrange him to go to school.

stick terrier with unt a little uneasy, ay in the courtyard, and from time to time also e out to see.

stick terrier lookn thive othery for a while he left with hid to go back.

terrier is letting himking hiround, and he think good idea not to go to school.

he's heartlend hi little frustrated.

qin huai ru originally planned to ay, but the thought of and deduct money, gave up the idea. made it to school without lunch.

ran qiuye looked at qinhuai ru, stood up to receive, \"jia terrier mother, you e ah, i also want to find you, you sit firi ru nxioun teacher, did you hear about the stick?\"

\"i didn't know about it until this morning. i only heard about it when mr. yan asked stick terrier for leave. i didn't know the whole sked the studentss.\"

\"well, do many people know about it?\"

\"well, quite a lot, you know, children are very childlike and they say everything in a group, and i supporound now.

mother jia terrier, thill matter, can not be neglected, the impact on the child ill, you tell me whether it is true.\"

qinhuai ru embarrasndrray export.

\"oh, that'ngbei iughty in the yard. boyughty and ve quarreln qiuye did not undert 80 or 90 percent of the stories were true, but cher and could not ignore the studentss.

\"well, don't worry, jia terrier' terrier re few dayke you to the principal and react with him.

ran qiuye got up with qinhuai ru went to the principal's office.

principal zhang n e in with a woman and beckon them to sit down. \"mit'tter?\"

ran qiuye told the whole t to do.

preng s some impression on the rod terrier family. of cour good imprer, there ime jia terrier.

\"jia terrier'n ret the ke care of thi big thing happened to t school, our school is bound to help you solve this problem.

but i y, home education also have to keep up with ah, children naughty itter, but can not develop the habit of petty theft, this for children'n be taken h.\"

pred seen much of the world, and from these few wordt the fuel-t home. nine times out of ten, it was true. he took the opportunity to beat it.

qinhuai ru which tube tedly nod, enck to educate their children.

zhang saw two people out, the principal called the guard, let the trip.

after a while two rds knocked on the door, the principal zhang sked them to two days after refully obt suspiciouke down, or to give rents an account.

different from jia's trouble, he yuzhu now but meng it the ce of director li, he felt how the world nged so fa little off-guard.

it n hour ago.

he yuzhu skillfully pinch of tea, filled with hot water, and crossed hiy, the godnge.

\"boom, boom, boom.\"

\"e in, please.\"

knock on the door interrupted he yuzhu leisurely life, looking at the door to e in, hi few querkh.

\"director he, i'm ma ma. director li asks you to e here. is it convenient for you now?\"

he yuzhu looked at hice wrinkled, immediately feel cold back, thisel to chicken new year, director li can call him look is uneasy good.
