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\"i'm fine now. let's go. don't keep director li waiting.\" he yuzhu ready to see the move open move, see li director gourd in the end to t medicine.

\"e in, please.\"

opened the door, \"director li, director he is ing.\" then he went out and closed the door. only he yuzhu and director li were left in the room.

director li nd quickly came to hold he yuzhu'in column is ing ah, sit down, drink what tea, i pour for you.\"

he yuzhu gooll fell on the ground, this is still the director li and his right, he iking the wrong medicine today, how big the attitude change.

\"no, no, director li, just help yourself. you sit down. i'll do it myself.\"

director li ve he yuzhu poured a cup of tea, he in pillar, don't abandon ah, i alt good tea, today will do it.\"

he yuzhu waved his hand without speaking, looking at director li to nted to do.

director li picked up the teacup, gently blew on it for a few breath deliciouid nonchalantly, \"is minird t he wa little sick. now he ll right.\"

he yuzhu heard the name little meng, who ih, immediately react, this iderlled the big leaderrd the name alct.

now he yuzhu know today director li thit to ully he is heard of his relationship with the big leader ah, no wonder.

although he did not often go to the leader's house during these times, he would go four or five times a month. they got along well with each other. they played chetted, but their relationship was getting better and better.

although he did not know what director li was going to do, he did not mind that he wa tiger, and the people behind director li were of high rank.

in addition, director li took down director yang when the wind blew, and in the rolling lthough it irly, but it t it is time to consider this problem.

pretend to be willing to take the opportunity to make friendve st, pulling the tiger' big tail wolf, thin be too familiar.

\"ah, you mean the big leader ah, he did not feel very well a few days ago, but the good conditioning, therly good, the morning to cook at home, the big leader can also eat two bowlppetite is very good.\"

director li got the exact ant ease, then feel envy envy, he yuzhu with a hand to cook on the minition.

think about yourself, at the beginning for the power rried the current wife, although the father-in-law gave him great support, he i very stable pofter some time, when lao yang made misy for him to further.

but whenever he went back to face hit night, he felt a burche, but in order to the future, he had to keep patience.

recently, i heard from my father-in-law that the minite rolling mill. on second thought, this ifter a few days of not seeing him, he e good relationder.

big leader i level higher than hiw, is alder of lao yang, otherwive brought down lao yang, which also need to be the nd.

\"r you really good luck, can get the minition, it t your future ih, developed in the future don't fcomet elder brother ah.\"

\"hey, director li, what are you talking about? i'm jund i don't have much ambition. i like drinking tea and reading newspaperders also often mbitioulth, but no way ah, i am cter, canteen director for me juve no mind to go up.

i am not like director li you, young and vigorout opportunity to nd feet, developed in the future can not fcomet me ah.\"

he yuzhu put the wordr, he likes the ponteen director, not not on the just right, hility ippy-go-lucky, don't want to go official career.

plu few years of stormnt to get involved in such a big thing. it was ju ce like a rolling mill.

now when a rent, and director li good relationve to take advantage of director li, ul exchangeted that he will not liquidate himself.

when the wind is calm, it is not the nd the bird is wide by diving, looking for the opportunity to resign, go into the sea to do business, more freedom.

although director li ippy, hiy it yuzhu to his camp, did not expect this what yuzhu iutumn, and he played a tai chi.

but hear he yuzhu said he did not want to riid of he yuzhu on the mini few jump, the impact of their own control rolling milllthough today's purpoch, but also be and he yuzhu talk, eliminate the unhappy before, and yang director of good relationlly doere, if the fall of lao yang, he believes he yuzhu will make the right choice.

\"ha ha ha, rain column you are really a small t you today i can take fter work encounter what, also can e to me, don't alwayng director, he is sometimes very busy, right.\"

\"well, you can't refuse me when i e to see director li.\"
