错了,抱歉啦39(2 / 2)

\"ok, an aunt you don't budy to ll snow, his little uncle it home, too late is not good.\"

an old lady ippointed, \"ln't let people wait for a long time, or it y we don't understand the etiquette, then you quickly send the light snow back.\"

looking at the back of two people, an aunt eyes are red, mumbling: \"the pillar also grew up, sensible, rried, really happy for him.\"

he yuzhu moved the tiger bone wine into the room, casually put it under the bed, ready to e back to receive the space.

he yuzhu locked the door and glanced at jia's no one there. maybe the old godmother had gone out to visit him.

he took no notice and walked to his uncle's house with the little snow.

\"you go in. it's not right for me to go now. in a couple of daynd walk around with an old man.

yang xue nodded and walked into the house three times.

he yuzhu did not think much, riding to the rolling mill.

yang xue xiao uncle, aunt inxious, also do not know what happened in yang xue's home, with the two people did not agree.

\"round, you're dizzy.\" yang xuexiao uncle xu jiat hilking, turn upng xue aunt liu haiying ill woman, from the name to know her strong.

\"you re to yell at me, not you, your own niece did not care, now do not know the hution, you this little uncle do too inpetent.

if snow is bullied, i see you how to explain to sister, brother-in-law.\"

\"squelch.\" the quarrel was interrupted by a t the door.

\"uncle, aunt, what are you doing?\"

\"oh, nothing. i'm waiting for you with your little uncle. tell me what happened.\"

yang xue bluin, but still tell things to two people, after listening to two people feel very much.

\"this rain column is good, do thinglso very bold, more rare is very serious friendship, true wrong.\"

\"what't? what i value mottitude towards xiaoxue. one hundred yuan is he says so, which imount.

someone didn't give me anything before, huh?\" after all, a woman ind xu jiashan different angle.

\"did he yuzhu say when you will get the liceniying asked.

\"you, you, little aunt, what are you talking about?

but how can iying'ck.

\"shy what, tell my little aunt.\"

yang xue had no choice but to say, \"they will e home in a few days to discuss.\" then he broke free and ran back to his room.

liu haiying nodded with satisfaction, \"yes, it is quite exquisite rulen be on the dim sum, do thirly.\"


here he yuzhu arrived at the rolling mill and went directly to the kitchen.

as i entered the door, i saw a group of people there twittering and chatting in full swing.

he yuzhu frowned, a little dissatisfied, now is the busy time, the workerve lunch, they ve leit here.

\"what are you doing, man?\"

he yuzhu cold tone let a lot of people are frightened, dare not lly liu lan in: \"he director, we jutely work.\"

group of people ran to their t of the dry up.

he yuzhu beckoned to mca and took him to the office
